Thursday, December 13, 2007

drop spindle

So I bought a drop spindle. I d0 have that one fancy smancy spindle that I don't get but because it was handmade and so pretty I just had to have. But this spindle that I bought it like the one mentioned in my spinning book. I have no clue what to spin but I have some wool so, we'll see what I can do. I bought it off etsy so it hasn't arrived yet. I'll have to remember to take pictures of my first efforts to post on here. I am sure it's going to look sloppy and icky and I'll get fustrated and think i'll never be able to do it and then sure enough I'll keep at it and finally master it. Hopefully anyway. The spindle is not super fancy or pretty. But right now I'm more concerned about learning than I am about looks.


Anonymous said...

I want to learn spinning too. Please post your projects, I'd love to see how you're doing.

Sheepish Lion said...

ivyarts- I will! I didn't post my first ones as I was *embarrassed* but I will post pictures. Maybe someone can help me once they see what I've been doing!